
The Users section in the Cloud PBX™ interface allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Create new user profiles

  • Edit existing user profiles

  • Filter users for easy navigation

  • Import users from a CSV file

  • Download users to a CSV file

  • Send or resend invitations to the™ app

  • Delete users


Fig. 1. Users Menu Overview

User Interface Elements

The filter bar at the top of the user list allows you to filter users by specific criteria. Filter options include:

  • Full Name

  • Job title

  • Department

  • Email

  • Time Schedule

  • Call Flow

  • CRM User

The Filter button applies the selected criteria to narrow down the list of users.


Fig. 1. Filter Bar

The table displays a list of users with the following columns:




The avatar assigned to the user.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.

Job Title

The job title of the user.


The department of the user.


The user’s email address.

Time Schedule

The time schedule assigned to the user.

Call Flows

Specifies the call flow to which the user is assigned.


Specifies the CRM user ID if assigned to a CRM.


Shows if the user has pending invitations to the™ app.


Number of devices registered by the user in the™ app.

SIP Accounts

Number of SIP account contact methods assigned to the user.

PSTN Forwarding

Number of PSTN Forwarding contact methods assigned to the user.

SIP Forwarding

Number of SIP Forwarding contact methods assigned to the user.


Fig. 2. User List


You can edit the table columns directly by either double-clicking the cell or clicking the pencil icon. This functionality is available for columns where the pencil icon appears when hovering over the cell.

The Actions menu for each user is accessible by clicking the three dots on the right side of the user row. This menu provides options to:

  • Edit the user

  • Send an invitation or resend an invitation to the™ application

  • Delete the user


Fig. 3. Actions Menu

Create a New User

To create a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add New User button:

In the bottom right corner of the Users section, click on the +-symbol button.


Fig. 1. Creating A New User

  1. Fill in the User Details:

A form will appear where you need to enter the user’s details, including:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Department

  • Job title

  • Time Schedule

  • Email


Fig. 2. Details

Additionally you may select whether you want to set up a dedicated application line for the user by using the Configure application line in the next step toggle.

  1. Configuring the Application Line:

Select the Configure application line in the next step toggle and click Next.


Fig. 3. Configure Application Line Toggle

Input the following details:

Inbound Calls



DID Number

Select the DID number used to receive inbound calls.

Internal Number

Select the internal number used to receive inbound calls.

When Unavailable

Select an option for call forwarding when the destination is unavailable.

Outbound Calls



Enable External Outbound Calls

Specifies whether the user can make external outbound calls.

Caller IDs

Specifies the caller IDs used for outbound calls.

Internal Caller ID

Specifies the caller IDs used for internal outbound calls.

Internal Announcement

Selects the announcement audio message for internal calls.

External Announcement

Selects the announcement audio message for external calls.

Call Recording



Delivery Methods

Specifies the delivery methods for call recordings.

Inbound Internal

Toggle to turn on inbound internal call recording.

Inbound External

Toggle to turn on inbound external call recording.

Outbound Internal

Toggle to turn on outbound internal call recording.

Outbound External

Toggle to turn on outbound external call recording.

Record On Demand

If enabled, a dialing feature code must be defined to activate call recording.


Fig. 4. Application Line Configuration

After filling in all the required information, click the Save button at the bottom of the form to create the new user. The new user will now appear in the users list.

Editing Users

To edit users, click on the Actions button and select Edit


Fig. 1. Actions Menu

Edit the user details and click Save to confirm.


Fig. 2. Editing Users

Import Users From A CSV File

To import new users, click on the +-symbol button and select Import CSV.


Fig. 1. Actions Button

In the Import Users screen, click to select a CSV file or use drag and drop the file onto the screen.


Fig. 2. File Select Button

Select and upload a CSV file from your storage.


Fig. 3. Selecting A File


A pop-up warning will inform you that the file has to be formatted correctly. Additionally you must agree that all users in this import are expecting to hear from your organization and that you have prior relationships with these users.

Click on the checkmark and Submit to proceed.


Fig. 4. Pop-up Warning

After selecting the file, choose whether to Merge Duplicates. Selecting this option prevents uploading users that are already in your list.

Next, match the user properties in your CSV file to the™ properties.


The only mandatory property is First Name


Fig. 5. Matching User Properties

Once the user properties are matched, click Next to upload your users.


Fig. 6. Uploading Users

CSV file format example:

First name

Last name

Job title










Customer Service Representative


The CSV file format supports only comma-separated values.

Download users to a CSV file

To download existing users to a CSV file, click on the Download symbol at the top right of the UI.


Fig. 1. Download Symbol

A download pop-up screen will be presented. Select the file name and the location where the file will be saved and click Save.


Fig. 2. Downloading Users

Send or resend invitations to the™ app

You can create an app device user for your users by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Users menu in the™ dashboard.

  2. Once you find the contact, click the Actions button.

  3. Select Send Invite to App or Resend Invite to App from the dropdown menu to send or resend the invitation to the users™ app.


Fig. 1. App Device Invitation

Deleting Users

To delete users, click on the Actions button and select Delete.


Fig. 1. Actions Menu

If the user has any active dependencies, you will see them in the Delete User screen.

To proceed with the contact deletion, click the I am aware that by deleting this User(s) I will also remove the dependencies checkmark and click Delete.


Fig. 2. Deleting Users