Identities & Addresses

The Identities & Addresses tool in the DIDWW User Panel allows customers to add the End User information required for DID number registration processes, A2P SMS Campaigns activation, Emergency Calling service, CNAM ativation and number Porting. There are two types of identity bundles, Personal or Business. This bundle will contain End User’s information with uploaded proof documents, which will be encrypted and stored at DIDWW. Created identity bundles can then be reused to activate other services for the same End User.


Porting identity can created by following this guide. When creating the Porting Identity, validate if your provided data meets all Porting requirements of your selected country and number type as indicated in “Checking Requirements” section.

Identity hierarchy

Identity hierarchy acts as a ranking system that determines which identity takes precedence over others when setting up services. There are several types of identities at DIDWW, which may be used and re-used to activate services. However, once the identity has been created/used to activate a service, it must be further used to activate other services for the same number and/or user. Porting identity is an exception which can be overriden by any other higher priority identity in the hierarchy.

The following identifies the priority in the identity hierarchy:

Number registration Identity (1)
A2P Campaign Identity (2)
Emergency calling Identity (2)
CNAM Identity (2)
Porting Identity (3)

The assigned identity is displayed in the DID Numbers section, Identity column.

If the number registration identity is pending, it is not possible to assign it to other services (A2P, Emergency, CNAM). If the DID number does not require registration, other service identities can be assigned.

A2P Campaigns can only be registered with a Business identity. CNAM and Emergency calling service can be activated with either Personal or Business identities.

If you have i.e. CNAM set with Personal identity and would like to set A2P Campaign, you should remove Personal identity from CNAM service and proceed with A2P Campaign Business identity setup.

Create a New Identity

A new identity can be created by navigating to the “Identities & Addresses” section on the left side menu of the DIDWW User Panel, and clicking on the “New Identity” button (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1 Creating a new Identity.

A new window will appear, where you will be prompted to select a “Type of Identity” and enter the corresponding details (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2 Entering details of the corresponding identity.

Once all details have been entered, scroll down to upload the documents of the associated identity (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3 Uploading the identity documents.


When uploading the documents you can select multiple files at once. See Attaching Files section for more information.

After the documents have been uploaded, click continue, and you will be prompted to enter the address details of the associated identity (Step 2) (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4 Entering address details.

Once all details have been entered, proceed to Proofs and click Add New where you will be prompted to upload the documents associated with the address (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5 Uploading the address documents.

Checking Requirements


When creating a new identity or editing an existing one, customers can check the requirements for the DID number registration process by selecting the “Registration” option under the “Type” field. (Fig. 6)


Fig. 6 Checking the requirements.


When creating a new identity or editing an existing one, customers can check the requirements for the DID number portability process by selecting the “Porting” option under the “Type” field. (Fig. 7)


Fig. 7 Checking the Porting requirements.

A2P Campaigns

When creating a new identity or editing an existing one, customers can check the requirements for the A2P Campaigns process by selecting the “A2P Campaigns” option under the “Type” field. (Fig. 8)


Fig. 8 Checking the A2P Campaigns requirements.

Emergency Calling

When creating a new identity or editing an existing one, customers can check the requirements for the Emergency Calling process by selecting the “A2P Campaigns” option under the “Type” field. (Fig. 9)


Fig. 9 Checking the Emergency Calling requirements.

Verification Status

End User details can be submitted during the purchase process. The verifications tab in the “Identities & Addresses” section will indicate the status of your DID number registration process. (Fig. 10)

Approved - indicates that end user details have been confirmed.
Pending - indicates that end user details verification process is pending.
Rejected - indicates that end user details have been rejected.


Fig. 10 Verification status.


If the verification has been rejected, you can hover your mouse over the status “Rejected” and it will indicate the reason for rejection.

Attaching Multiple Files

When uploading the necessary documents, multiple files should be attached if the single documents is splitted to 2 parts. For example: pictures of drivers license, can be 2 separate files (front and back) (Fig. 11).


Fig. 11 Selecting multiple files.

The number of attached files will be displayed as follows (Fig. 12).


Fig. 12 The number of attached files.

Encryption Information

File content is encrypted with AES-CBC 256 bit, which is then being stored on our servers, where associated parties can decrypt it with personally provisioned private keys. All private keys are being kept on the hardware security module (HSM).

Register Number

DID numbers can be assigned for verification process when purchasing a DID number or via DID number management section.

During Checkout

When purchasing a DID number, click on “Submit End User Details” (Fig. 13).


Fig. 13 Submit end user details button.

A new window will appear, where you will be prompted to select an “Identity” and “Address”. Once the details have been selected, click submit to continue with your checkout. (Fig. 14).


Fig. 14 Selecting the identity and address.

DID Numbers Section

In your DIDWW User Panel, select the section “Phone Numbers”, choose the “My Numbers” subsection and go to “Awaiting Registration” tab. Select the DID numbers that end user details will be assigned to, hover over the “Identities and Addresses” icon and then press “Assign End User Details” text. (Fig. 15).


Fig. 15 Selecting the numbers.

New window will appear where you will be prompted to select an Identity in the dropdown menu (Fig. 16).


Fig. 16 Assign Identity.

Confirmation window with registration requirements listed will be displayed, select “Assign” to proceed further. (Fig. 17).


Fig. 17 Registration requirements.

Once the Identity has been assigned, you will be prompted with a new window where you will be required to assign the address of your identity that will be used for DID verification process (Fig. 18).


Fig. 18 Assign Address.

Assign Identity and Address to Multiple DID Numbers

Once in DID Numbers section, select DID numbers that you want to assign Identity and Address to by putting ticks in the selection area and click on “Batch Actions” where “Assign End User Details” should be selected (Fig. 19).


Fig. 19 Batch Actions Assign End User Details.

New window will appear listing the DID numbers to which you will be prompted to assign Identity to (Fig. 20).


Fig. 20 Assign Identity.

Once Identity has been submitted, you will be prompted to further procedure as per Figure 17 and 18.