General Settings

Select the generic settings for the™ interface

System Time Zone

Set the system time zone to be used for routing calls when the System Time Zone option is selected in the Time Router object.

The system time zone is also the default option for Time Schedules.

System emails

Set the email address, which will be used to send notifications about certain events that have occurred in the™ account.

Events that will trigger the system email notification:

  • When a Delivery method is given an “Access revoked” status

    Whenever one of the delivery methods in the cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive) receives the status access revoked, an email will be sent to report this.

  • When there are failed deliveries on the account

    Whenever the system detects a failed delivery to one of the delivery methods, an email will be sent to report this. If deliveries consistently fail, follow up emails are sent every 24 hours.

Insufficient channel decline code

Select the decline code that will be sent to the caller if that call failed due to insufficient channel capacity. By default, the code “480 - Temporarily Unavailable” will be used, but this may be replaced by any of the following decline codes:

  • 403 - Forbidden

  • 480 - Temporarily Unavailable

  • 486 - Busy Here

  • 600 - Busy Everywhere

  • 603 - Decline