™ App Settings
The Settings section allows you to update your profile directly from the™ app. You can also submit support requests or sign out of the application.
To access Settings, click on the top bar, which opens the drop-down menu. This menu provides additional options, including:
User Details: Displays the currently connected first and last name, department, and status.
Outbound Numbers: Shows the Outbound Caller ID.
Inbound Numbers: Displays the inbound number and internal number used to receive calls in the app.
Quick Access to Settings.
Clicking the gear icon will open the™ Settings menu, where you can:
Edit Profile: Update your first and last names, job title, and department.
Report an Issue: Click this option to submit a description of any issues you encounter. Include the steps taken, error messages received, and the actual outcome to help us diagnose the problem.
Sign Out: Log out of your current session.