Outbound Dialing
Number Format
Calls to DIDWW Outbound gateway should be sent in the E.164 dialing format: country code + area code + subscribers number. Any leading prefixes such as 00 or + will be automatically removed before passed to PSTN. The same rule applies for Caller ID. Correct example:
To: Bob <sip:123456789@out.didww.com> // Called destination number in SIP "To" header
From: Alice <sip:1987654321@Caller.com> // Caller ID in SIP "From" header
Customers can block calls to unwanted destinations, click here for guidance.
Local Routes
Local routes are referred to as in-country routes. It enables you to call numbers that are unreachable when calls are routed via international routes, for example, Toll-Free, Shared-Cost, Short Codes, and Emergency. Local routes are available in the following countries:
Albania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
China |
Finland |
Hungary |
Latvia |
Netherlands |
Peru |
Slovakia |
Switzerland |
Argentina |
Brazil |
Croatia |
France |
Ireland |
Lithuania |
New Zealand |
Poland |
Slovenia |
Thailand |
Australia |
Bulgaria |
Czech Republic |
Georgia |
Israel |
Luxembourg |
North Macedonia |
Portugal |
South Africa |
United Kingdom |
Austria |
Canada |
Denmark |
Germany |
Italy |
Malaysia |
Norway |
Serbia |
Spain |
United States |
Belgium |
Chile |
Estonia |
Hong Kong |
Japan |
Mexico |
Panama |
Singapore |
Sweden |
The listed countries require DIDWW DIDs to be used as Caller ID for local dialing. For more information and per country basis restrictions please contact our sales department at sales@didww.com.
Short Numbers
Calls to short numbers are available in the following countries:
Belgium |
Lithuania |
Bulgaria |
Luxembourg |
Denmark |
Spain |
Italy |
United Kingdom |