Creating a new SMS Trunk Group

SMS Trunk Groups are used for providing link redundancy, allowing traffic to be routed on alternative trunks if an active trunk fails. Trunks within a Trunk Group are prioritised according to their rank in which those trunks should be used. In addition, users may optionally build custom re-routing rules that are based on SIP response codes, and define the conditions under which a trunk is considered to be “in service”.

SMS Trunk Groups are created as follows:

Step 1. Under the “Trunks” section, select the “SMS” tab, navigate to “Create New”, and click on “Trunk group” (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. Adding a new SMS Trunk Group

Step 2. You will be prompted to enter your Trunk group details (Fig. 2):

  • Friendly name – The name that will identify this SMS Trunk Group on the DIDWW user panel.

  • SMS Trunks – Add SMS trunks to this SMS Trunk Group. A drop-down list of all previously configured SMS trunks that are not currently part of another Trunk Group will be displayed, and up to 10 SMS trunks may be added to this Trunk Group.

  • Map all supported DID(s) – If checked, all DIDs on your account with SMS capabilities will be assigned to this SMS Trunk Group.


Fig. 2. Create trunk group window

Step 3. Click “Create” to complete the Trunk Group configuration.

Step 4. Define trunk priority values within the Trunk Group for SMS trunk failover sequences. The following method allows configuring failover priorities:

The priority of each trunk may be set to a value from 0 and 32767, with the lowest number representing the lowest priority. For example, consider a Trunk Group with two trunks where one trunk has priority 1, and another trunk with a priority of 2. The trunk with the lower value of 1 will only be used if a trunk with priority 2 is unavailable. (Fig. 3)


Fig. 3. Trunk group details