Creating SMPP ESME Trunk
Step 1. Under the “Trunks” section, select the “SMS” tab, navigate to “Create New”, and click on “SMPP ESME” (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Adding a new SMPP ESME Trunk
Step 2. You will be prompted to enter your SMPP ESME Trunk details (Fig. 2).
Friendly name – ESME Trunk name to identify it on your DIDWW user panel.
Allowed IP addresses – your ESME server’s public IP address.
System type - This parameter is used to categorize the type of ESME that is binding to the SMSC.

Fig. 2. ESME Trunk details window.
Source Address Settings
The Source Address Settings defines which DID number(s) may be used as a sender ID for the outbound SMS trunk. These DID numbers appear as the CLI to the recipient of the SMS. The “allowed” sender IDs may be selected from the available DID numbers acquired from DIDWW. A filter is provided to enable users to list specific DIDs. By default, all DID numbers with SMS OUT capability in the customer’s account may be used as the sender ID on outbound trunks (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Source address selection
Step 3. Click “Create” to complete trunk configuration.
To view the credentials for your SMPP ESME trunk, follow these steps:
In the pop-up window, locate your system ID and a hidden password. Select the
icon to reveal the password.

Fig. 4. Revealing Credentials