Creating SMS HTTP IN Trunk
Step 1. Under the “Trunks” section, select the “SMS” tab, navigate to “Create New”, and click on “HTTP IN” (Fig. 1).
Step 2. You will be prompted to enter your HTTP IN SMS Trunk details (Fig. 2):
Friendly name – HTTP SMS Trunk name to identify it on your DIDWW user panel.
HTTP Method – available methods POST, PUT or GET for delivering SMS messages.
Follow redirect - enables handling of redirect status codes (3xx). Available only with secure SSL transactions.
Request URL – your HTTP server’s public IP address or domain.
Query Parameters, Headers and Body Parameters – defines the way and path how short messages should be represented on your system. All these parameters can be constructed by using available placeholders.
Trunk Group Configuration
Assign to trunk group - optional, trunk can be assigned to SMS trunk group
Priority - priority of this trunk. If priority is the lowest, DIDWW will attempt to contact the target of this trunk
Message content using SMS-to-HTTP forwarding is Base64 encoded due to URL limitation
Step 3. Click “Create” to complete trunk configuration.