The SMS channel allows you to create SMS templates, configure inbound SMS for your numbers, and set up opt-out settings to effectively manage unwanted messages.


To use SMS features on the Messaging Platform, you must have an active A2P Campaign at DIDWW.


SMS templates help you design and manage messaging campaigns on the DIDWW omni-channel messaging platform. They allow you to connect with your customers quickly and effectively, even when email or internet access is limited, ensuring your promotions reach them as intended.

In this section you can:

  • Filter templates by name

  • View edit or delete existing templates

  • Create new templates


Fig. 1. Overview of SMS Templates.

Creating an SMS Template

To create an SMS template, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Templates section and click + Create SMS Template.


Fig. 2. Create SMS Template.

Step 2: In the new SMS Template form, you can specify the following:

  • Name: Enter a name for your SMS Template.

  • Template: Provide the text body for your message. You can use available attributes to personalize the message dynamically.

  • Available Attributes: Insert attributes like {{}}, {{contact.contact_id}}, {{contact.first_name}}, {{contact.last_name}}, {{contact.phone_number}}, {{}}, and {{contact.timezone}} to tailor the message based on the contact details.

  • Automatically Shorten URLs: Enable this option if you want URLs in your message to be automatically shortened.

  • Opt-out via URL: Add a URL to the footer of your message that allows recipients to unsubscribe from the campaign. This URL is automatically generated and inserted using the placeholder {{unsubscribe_url}}.

  • Opt-out via Reply: Include a specific keyword in the footer that recipients can reply with to unsubscribe. Set the default keyword using the placeholder {{unsubscribe_keyword}}.


Fig. 2. Create SMS Template.

In the template body, you may input any of the following Available Attributes by clicking on the attribute symbol on the left side of the screen, which will dynamically change based on the contact used.


Fig. 2. Available Attributes.

The Available attributes are:

  • {{}}

  • {{contact.contact_id}}

  • {{contact.first_name}}

  • {{contact.last_name}}

  • {{contact.phone_number}}

  • {{}}

  • {{contact.timezone}}

You may also enable and use the following optional features:

  • Opt-out via URL: When enabled, this footer includes a URL that allows the recipient to unsubscribe from the messaging campaign. The URL is automatically generated and can be inserted into your message using the placeholder {{unsubscribe_url}}.

  • Opt-out via Reply: This footer, when enabled, provides the recipient with a specific keyword that they can reply with to unsubscribe from the messaging campaign. You can set the default keyword using the placeholder {{unsubscribe_keyword}}. These options allow you to provide recipients with convenient methods to opt out of your messaging campaign, ensuring compliance with unsubscribe requests.


Fig. 3. Creating an SMS Template.

Step 3: If you enabled either Opt-out via URL or Opt-out via Reply, preview the message to verify the URL or the reply keyword as shown in the image below:


Fig. 4. Opt-out message examples

Step 4: To ensure the template functions correctly, click Send Test SMS.

Step 5: In the pop-up screen, select the following properties:

  • SMS Campaign: Choose your A2P Campaign for the test message.

  • Source: Enter your source number.

  • Destination: Enter the recipient’s phone number.

  • Unsubscribe Footer: Select the previously configured URL or Reply footers.

Click Send to complete the process.


Fig. 6. Send Test SMS.

Inbound Phone Numbers

The DIDWW Messaging Platform allows you to receive inbound SMS on your DIDs.

A default DIDWW Messaging Platform trunk is automatically created. You need to assign this trunk to your DIDs to start receiving messages.


Fig. 1. Assigning the trunk to your DID.

After assigning the trunk, your DID numbers will appear in the Messaging Platform’s user interface (UI).


Fig. 2. Inbound Phone Numbers.

Opt-out Settings

Opt-out settings enable you to create a custom opt-out message for recipients.


Fig. 1. Opt-out Settings.

When configuring the Opt-out settings, you can use any of the available attributes, such as {{masked_phone_number}} and {{workspace_name}}..

The settings include:

  • Form Header: Defines the header of the opt-out message.

  • Form Body: Specifies the body of the opt-out message.

  • Form Action: Determines the action to be taken.

  • Success Header: Defines the header of the success response.

  • Success Body: Specifies the body of the success response.


Fig. 1. Opt-out form.

To review the opt-out keyword and the reply screen, click Opt-out Reply.


Fig. 2. Opt-out reply.

To view the success page, go back to Opt-out form and click Success Page.


Fig. 3. Opt-out Settings success page.

After successful creation, your properties will appear on the Opt-out Settings landing page:


Fig. 4. Opt-out Settings Properties.