Inbound SMS logs
The Inbound SMS log section provides the user with extensive data regarding both successful and non successful messages.
The user can use the following filters to filter out the inbound SMS logs (Fig. 1):
Time received (UTC) - Used to filter out logs for "Today"
, "This week"
, "This month"
, "Previous month"
, "Custom Range"
Source address - Used to filter out logs from specific source numbers. Filter can be specified with "Equals"
or "Contains"
Destination address - Used to filter out logs to specific destination numbers. Filter can be specified with "Equals"
or "Contains"
SMS Trunk - Used to filter out logs for specific trunks.
Status - Used to filter out logs for "Any status"
, "Success"
, "Failed"
SMS ID - Every single inbound SMS will have a unique SMS ID.
Trunk type - Used to filter out logs using the following trunk types: "Email"
SMS log description
The user will be provided with the following information in the inbound SMS logs (Fig. 2):
Time Received (UTC) - The time when DIDWW received the SMS message.
Time Sent (UTC) - The time when the SMS message was sent to the users trunk.
Status - Whether the SMS was sent successfully or if it failed to be delivered.
Reason - If the SMS failed to be delivered, this column presents the reason of the failure.
Source Address - The source number from which the SMS was received.
Destination Address - The destination number (DID) to which the SMS was sent.
Trunk/Type - The trunk to which the SMS was sent.
Destination - The end destination of the trunk. Either IP for SMPP trunks or email for SMS to Email.
Fragments - If the SMS was fragmented, this column will show the fragments of the SMS message in the following format: 1/x
, 2/x
, 3/x
, etc. (Fig. 3).
If the Inbound trunk used is SMS to Email, the Fragments will always be 1/1.
Attempt - The amount of attempts to deliver the SMS to the users end destination.
SMS ID - The unique ID of the SMS message (Fig. 4).
If the SMS was fragmented, all fragments will share the same SMS ID.
Billed fragments - If the SMS was fragmented, presents the amount of fragments that were billed.
Charged (USD) - The cost of the SMS message.
If the SMS was fragmented, it will only show the paid price on the first fragment (Fig. 5).
Important notes
If the incoming SMS reaches DIDWW, but the users end destination is failing, the incoming SMS message will be billed.
If the DID number is not assigned to a SMS trunk, no incoming messages will be billed.