Statistics & Reports

Statistics and reports allow you to review the performance of your Voice and SMS traffic.

Voice IN

Voice IN tab in statistics and reports allows you to review the following metrics:

Concurrent calls - This chart displays active calls, with data measured once per minute. Note: Some short calls may not be counted in this chart.
ACD - Average call duration (minutes) - Average call duration, calculated as duration/count of successful calls for each interval. Interval length depends on “Group By” settings.
ASR - Answer-seizure ratio (%) - Average seizure ratio, calculated as count of successful calls/total calls count for each interval. Interval length depends on “Group By” settings.
Total call count - Total call count represents the number of calls sent to the customer, calculated per interval defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total call duration (minutes) - Total call duration represents the total duration of calls sent to the customer, calculated per interval defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total cost - Total cost represents the aggregated cost of calls for each interval. Note: The same call may incur multiple charges due to different associated services (e.g., PSTN, Toll-free, metered, CNAM IN)

Filters available for Voice IN statistics and reports are as follows:

Timeframe - Filters charts by the selected timeframe (options: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days).
DID number - Filters charts by the selected DID number.
DID country - Filters charts by the selected country.
Voice IN trunk - Filters charts by the selected Voice IN trunk.
Trunk group - Filters charts by the selected trunk group.
Type - Filters charts by the selected type (options: PSTN, Toll-free, Metered Channels, CNAM Lookup)


Fig. 1. “Voice IN” tab.

Voice OUT

Voice OUT tab in statistics and reports allows you to review the following metrics:

Concurrent calls - This chart displays active calls, with data measured once per minute. Note: Some short calls may not be counted in this chart.
ACD - Average call duration (minutes) - Average call duration, calculated as duration/count of successful calls for each interval. Interval length depends on “Group By” settings.
ASR - Answer-seizure ratio (%) - Average seizure ratio, calculated as count of successful calls/total calls count for each interval. Interval length depends on “Group By” settings.
Total call count - This represents the number of calls received from the customer, calculated per interval defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total call duration (minutes) - This represents the total duration of calls received from the customer, calculated per interval defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total cost - This represents the aggregated cost of calls for each interval. Note: Calls are charged based on their call types (International, origin based, local).

Filters available for Voice OUT statistics and reports are as follows:

Timeframe - Filters charts by the selected timeframe (options: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days).
Destination country - Filters charts by the selected destination country.
Voice OUT trunk - Filters charts by the selected Voice OUT trunk.
Call type - Filters charts by the selected call type (options: International, Origin based, Local, Emergency).


Fig. 2. “Voice OUT” tab.


SMS IN tab in statistics and reports allows you to review the following metrics:

Total SMS received - This represents the count of SMS received by the customer within the SMS IN service. The SMS count is calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total SMS cost - This represents the total cost of SMS messages sent to the customer within the SMS IN service, calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.
Delivery rate (%) - The SMS delivery rate is calculated as the count of successfully delivered messages divided by the total count of messages. This rate is calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.

Filters available for SMS IN statistics and reports are as follows:

Timeframe - Filters charts by the selected timeframe (options: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days).
Destination address - Filters charts by the selected destination address.
SMS IN trunk - Filters charts by the selected SMS IN trunk.
DID country - Filters charts by the selected DID country.


Fig. 3. “SMS IN” tab.


SMS OUT tab in statistics and reports allows you to review the following metrics:

Total SMS sent - This represents the count of SMS messages sent by the customer using the SMS OUT service, calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.
Total SMS cost - This represents the cost of SMS messages sent by the customer using the SMS OUT service, calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.
Delivery rate (%) - The SMS delivery rate is calculated as the count of successfully delivered messages divided by the total count of messages. This rate is calculated for each interval as defined in the “Group By” setting.

Filters available for SMS OUT statistics and reports are as follows:

Timeframe - Filters charts by the selected timeframe (options: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days).
Source address - Filters charts by the selected source address.
Destination address - FIlters charts by the selected destination address.
SMS OUT trunk - Filters charts by the selected SMS OUT trunk.
Destination country - Filters charts by the selected destination country.
Service type - Filters charts by the selected service type (options: A2P, P2P).
SMS campaign - Filters charts by the selected SMS campaign. Filter activates if A2P service type is selected.


Fig. 4. “SMS OUT” tab.