Exports allow you to create, download, and review various data types from your account at DIDWW. The following items can be exported:
To create an export click on “Create Export” button and select the required export type from the dropdown menu.

Fig. 1. “Exports” section.
Inbound call logs
The Inbound Call Logs export functionality allows you to generate a report for inbound call logs, with the following additional filters available for customization:
Source - filters call logs by the source (calling) number.
Destination DID - filters call logs by the destination number.
Voice IN trunk(s) - filters call logs by the selected Voice IN trunk(s).
Trunk group(s) - fitlers call logs by the selected Trunk group(s).
Capacity group(s) - filters call logs by the selected Capacity group(s).
Status - filters call logs by the Status of the call. The following Statuses can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any Status - filters all call logs regardless of the call status.
Success - filters call logs of all successful calls.
Capacity Exceeded - filters call logs for calls rejected due to insufficient capacity.
Failed - filters call logs of all failed calls.
Overload Reason - will become available if Status “Capacity Exceeded” is selected. Filters call logs based on the capacity overload reason. The following reasons can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Capacity exceeded - All - filters all call logs that failed due to insufficient capacity.
Dedicated channels capacity exceeded - filters call logs that failed due to insufficient dedicated capacity.
Shared channels capacity exceeded - filters call logs that failed due insufficient shared capacity.
Metered channels capacity exceeded - filters call logs that failed due to insufficient metered capacity.
Billing type(s) - filters call logs by the billing type(s). The following type(s) can be selected from the dropdown menu:
PSTN - filters call logs that contain PSTN charges.
Toll-free - filters call logs that contain Toll-free charges.
Metered Channels - filters call logs that contain Metered Channels charges.
CNAM Lookup - filters call logs that contain CNAM Lookup charges.

Fig. 2. “Export Inbound Call Logs” creation dialog.
Outbound call logs
The Outbound Call Logs export functionality allows you to generate a report for outbound call logs, with the following additional filters available for customization:
Source - filters call logs by the source (calling) number.
CLI - filters call logs by the source (calling) number. CLI may be different if the source number replacement is performed by DIDWW.
Destination number - filters call logs by the destination number.
Voice OUT trunk(s) - filters call logs by the selected Voice OUT trunk(s).
Status - filters call logs by the status of the call. The following statuses can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any Status - filters all call logs regardless of the call status.
Success - filters call logs of all successful calls.
Capacity Exceeded - filters call logs that failed due to insufficient capacity.
Failed - filters call logs of all failed calls.
Source countries - filters call logs by the selected source (calling) countries.
Destination countries - filters call logs by the selected destination (called) countries.
Call types - filters call logs by the selected type(s). The following types can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any - filters all call logs regardless of the type.
Origin Based - filters call logs by the origin based type.
Local - filters call logs by the local type.
International - filters call logs by the international type.

Fig. 3. “Export Outbound Call Logs” creation dialog.
Inbound SMS logs
The Inbound SMS Logs export functionality allows you to generate a report for inbound SMS logs, with the following additional filters available for customization:
Source address - filters SMS logs by the source (sender) number.
Destination address - filters SMS logs by the destination (receiver) number.
SMS trunk(s) - filters SMS logs by the selected SMS trunk(s).
Status - filters SMS logs by the delivery status. The following statuses can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any status - filters all SMS logs regardless of the delivery status.
Success - filters SMS logs that were successfully delivered.
Failed - filters SMS logs that failed to be delivered.
Trunk type(s) - filters SMS logs by the trunk type(s). The following types can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Email - filters SMS logs that were received to email trunk type.
HTTP IN - filters SMS logs that were received to HTTP IN trunk type.
SMPP ESME - filters SMS logs that were received to SMPP ESME trunk type.
SMPP SMSC - filters SMS logs that were received to SMPP SMSC trunk type.
SMS ID - filters SMS logs by the SMS ID.

Fig. 4. “Export Inbound SMS Logs” creation dialog.
Outbound SMS logs
The Outbound SMS Logs export functionality allows you to generate a report for outbound SMS logs, with the following additional filters available for customization:
Source address - filters SMS logs by the source (sender) number.
Destination address - filters SMS logs by the destination (receiver) number.
SMS trunk(s) - filters SMS logs by the selected SMS trunk(s).
Status - filters SMS logs by the delivery status. The following statuses can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any status - filters all SMS logs regardless of the delivery status.
Success - filters SMS logs that were successfully delivered.
Failed - filters SMS logs that failed to be delivered.
Routing Error - filters SMS logs that failed to be delivered due to a routing error.
Queued - filters SMS logs that are queued to be delivered.
In Progress - filters SMS logs that are in process of delivery.
Service Type - filters SMS logs by the service type. The following type(s) can be selected from the dropdown menu:
A2P - filters SMS logs by the Application to Person (A2P) service type.
P2P - filters SMS logs by the Person to Person (P2P) service type.
SMS campaign(s) - filters SMS logs by the selected SMS campaign(s).

Fig. 5. “Export Outbound SMS Logs” creation dialog.
DID Numbers
The DID Numbers export functionality allows you to generate a report for the owned DID numbers by the account, with the following additional filters available for customization:
DID Number - filters DID numbers by the specified numbers. Enter comma separated numbers to search for multiple DIDs (e.g. +35319609036,+35319600837)
Description - filters DID numbers by the description.
Country - filters DID numbers by country.
Feature - filters DID numbers by the feature. The following features can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Any Feature - filters DID numbers regardless of associated features.
Voice IN - filters DID numbers with Voice IN feature.
Voice OUT - filters DID numbers with Voice OUT feature.
T.38 - filters DID numbers with T.38 (Fax) feature.
SMS IN - filters DID numbers with SMS IN feature.
SMS OUT P2P - filters DID numbers with Person to Person (P2P) SMS OUT feature.
SMS OUT A2P - filters DID numbers with Application to Person (A2P) SMS OUT feature.
Emergency Calling - filters DID numbers with emergency calling feature.
CNAM OUT - filters DID numbers with CNAM OUT feature.
Order ref - filters DID numbers by the order reference number.
Voice trunk - filters DID numbers by the selected voice trunk.
SMS trunk - filters DID numbers by the selected SMS trunk.
Capacity pool - filters DID numbers by the selected capacity pool.
Verification ref - filters DID numbers by the verification reference number.
Identity - filters DID numbers by the selected identity.
Number types - filters DID numbers by the selected number type. The following types can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Global / UIFN - filters DID numbers by the Global / UIFN type.
Local - filters DID numbers by the Local type.
Mobile - filters DID numbers by the Mobile type.
National - filters DID numbers by the National type.
Shared cost - filters DID numbers by the Shared cost type.
Toll-free - filters DID numbers by the Toll-free type.
Address - filters DID numbers by the assigned address.
Regulatory area - filters DID numbers by the regulatory area.

Fig. 6 “Export DID Numbers” creation dialog.
The Orders export feature allows you to generate a report of all orders created on your account. You can customize the export by applying the following filters:
Date: Today, Last 24 hours, This Week, This Month, Last 3 Months, or a Custom Range.
Reference: Search by reference number.
Status: Filter by Completed, Canceled, or Pending.
Refunded: Filter by Yes, or No.

Fig. 7. Export Orders dialog box.
The Payments export functionality allows you to generate a report for all payments created on the account, with the following additional filters available for customization:
Status - filters payments by the status of the payment. The following statuses can be selected from the dropdown menu:
Completed - filters completed payments.
Action Required - filters payments that require additional action.
Pending - filters pending payments.
Canceled - filters cancelled payments.

Fig. 8 “Export Payments” creation dialog.