Outbound Call Logs

Outbound call logs provide a detailed and accurate history of calls, including the date and time of each call, its duration, and the source and destination phone numbers.

The following filters can be applied by the user to refine the call logs (Fig. 1):


Fig. 1. Filters

Date / time start (UTC) - Used to filter out logs for "Today", "This week", "This month", "Previous month", "Custom Range".

Source - Used to filter out logs from specific source numbers. Filter can be specified with "Equals" or "Contains".

CLI - Used to filter out logs from a specific caller ID. Filter can be specified with "Equals" or "Contains".

Destination number - Used to filter out logs to a specific destination number. Filter can be specified with "Equals" or "Contains".

VOICE OUT trunk - Used to filter out logs based on a specific VOICE OUT trunk

Status - Used to filter out CDRs by call status ("Any Status", "Success", "Capacity Exceeded", "Failed").

Source countries - Used to filter out logs by specific source countries. Multiple selections are available in this field.

Destination countries - Used to filter out logs by specific destination countries. Multiple selections are available in this field.

Call type - Used to filter out CDRs based on call type ("International", "Origin based", "Local", "Emergency").

Call log description


Fig. 2. Outbound Call logs

Date / Time Start (UTC) - The time when DIDWW received the call.

Date / Time Connect (UTC) - The time when the call was connected.

Date / Time End (UTC) - The time when the call was ended.

Status - Indicates whether the call failed or succeeded in connecting.

Source - The originating number from which the call was made.

CLI - The Caller ID from which the call originated.

Destination number - The number to which the call was routed.

Call / Billing Duration (sec) - The call duration in seconds and the billed duration in seconds.

Response - The SIP response code for the call.

VOICE OUT Trunk - The trunk through which the call was routed.

Destination country - The country of the destination number.

Network - The network of the destination number.

Call Type - The type of call, determined by the destination country.

Rate (USD) - The rate charged for the call in USD.

Charged (USD) - The total charge for the call in USD.