Number Porting

DIDWW created a simple tool that allows customers to initiate and manage all porting processes online on their account.

The LNP (local number portability) tool can be found in the “Number Porting” section of the DIDWW user panel where you may easily monitor and follow porting process (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. “Number Porting” menu position

Portability Checks

“Portability Check” allows customers to easily check phone number portability (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2. Portability Checks

Step 1. Start by creating new portability check (Fig. 3)


Fig. 3. Creating a new Portability check

Step 2. Fill in the following fields and proceed with clicking “Continue” to create number portability check (Fig. 3.1).

Fields to fill in:

Friendly name - enter a desired friendly name.

DIDs – enter DID number(s) you would like to port in. When porting multiple DIDs, numbers must be listed in one column.

DID numbers must include the Country Code, City/Area code, and Local number.

Formatting examples:

35 31 9609036
35 (31) 9609036
35 (31) 960-9036

When porting multiple DIDs, numbers must be listed in a column as shown in the example below:


When porting a range of DIDs, numbers must be listed as shown in the examples below:

35319609036 - 35319609046
35319609036 - 46


Fig. 3.1. Adding numbers to a Portability Check

An example of a submitted portability check (Fig.4)


Fig. 4. A sumbitted Portability check

Portability check statuses

New - Portability check has not been started yet

Under Review - Portability check is currently in progress

Reviewed - Portability check has been completed

Status: Reviewed

After the portability check has been reviewed, click on the “three dots” icon under the “Actions” tab, and then navigate to “Edit” (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5. Editing portability check

All correctly entered numbers will be listed per Country and Type (Local, National, Mobile or Toll Free) with statuses being either Portable or Not portable. Any incorrectly entered numbers will be listed under the “Not Recognized” tab (Fig. 6).


Fig. 6. Reviewing portability check

You may review the available capacity options under the “Capacity” tab.

Click the “Submit to Port In” button to start in the porting process of all portable numbers.


You will be forwarded to “step 2 of Porting Request” , since numbers have already been added via the “Portability Check”.

Porting Requests

Under the “Number Porting” section, select “Porting Requests” and click the “Create New” button.


Fig. 7. Navigating to Porting Requests section

Step 1. Add numbers to your Porting Requests and click Continue (Fig. 8).


Fig. 8. Adding Numbers to porting request

DIDs – enter the DID number(s) you would like to port in. When porting multiple DIDs, numbers must be listed in one column.

Requirements - Select country, city and number type to see detailed requirements for countries where end user registration is mandatory.

Step 2. Review Porting Requirements and click Continue.

Porting requirements will be listed per Country and Type (Local, National, Mobile or Toll Free) of added numbers (Fig. 9).


In this step you may delete any numbers if you cannot comply with porting requirements.


Fig. 9. Reviewing Porting requirements

Step 3. Enter the required details (Fig. 10), (Fig. 11).

Friendly name - enter a desired friendly name.

End User Registration Details:

Identity - assign a saved identity or create a new one.

Address - assign a saved address or create a new one.


Additional information on Identities & Addresses can be found by navigating to the Identities article.

Required Documents:

Documents for porting process must be uploaded at this stage.

Customer_LOA - download the required form (LOA), fill it out, and upload the document.

Latest Invoice - Upload the latest invoice from the current provider.

Comment - Enter additional comments for porting request (optional).

Additional Details:

Customer ID - Enter the Customer ID if you are porting numbers on behalf of your customer, or leave 0 (zero) if you are porting your own numbers.

Current carrier account number - Enter carrier account number.

Configuration Profile - Select the preferred configuration profile (optional).


Additional information on configuration profiles can be found by navigating to Configuration profile article.

Capacity - Select capacity from the drop-down menu (optional).

Preferred port in date - Select the specific date or choose “Earliest available” option.


Fig. 10. Porting Request Details


Fig. 11 Porting Request Details

Step 4. Confirm the details and click “Submit” to save the porting request.


Successfully created Porting Requests will appear with Pending status (Fig. 12). You will receive email notifications about further actions once the Porting request has been reviewed.


Fig. 12. Porting Request information

Portability request statuses

Pending - Your porting request has not been reviewed.

In process - Your porting request has been reviewed and is currently in process

Changes required - Your porting request needs to be resubmitted

Completed - Your porting request has been completed

Canceled - Your porting request has been canceled

Cancelation pending - Your request to cancel this porting is currently under review.

Porting Requests can be edited by clicking the “three dots” icon under the “Actions” tab and navigating to “Edit”.

Porting request may be canceled if it has not been completed yet. (Fig. 13).


Fig. 13. Canceling porting request.

Status: Changes required

If porting cannot be initiated, porting requests will be marked as “Changes Required,” along with the corresponding reason (Fig. 14). To view the specific reason, click on the “three dots” icon under the “Actions” tab and select “Edit”.

To check the corresponding reason, click the “three dots” icon under the “Actions” tab and navigate to “Edit”.


Fig. 14. Changes required status

The reason will appear under the “Reject reason” section (Fig. 15).


Fig. 15. Reject reason & assigning end user details

Depending on the rejection reason, you will need to resubmit end user’s details under the “Actions” button by clicking “Assign end user details” (Fig. 15).

A pop-out window will appear where you can resubmit the documents (Fig. 16).


Fig. 16. Resubmitting end user details

Resubmitting Rejected Porting Request

Porting requests can be rejected during the porting process, necessitating additional changes as specified in the porting rejection message. Under “Actions Required” a reason for rejection is displayed.

The porting request can be resubmitted by pressing the “Actions” button below and selecting “Resubmit” ( Fig. 17).


Fig. 17. Resubmitting Porting Project

A pop-up page will appear, allowing you to leave a comment to correct the information based on the rejection message. If a document needs to be updated, you can upload a new document using the “Supporting Documents” option (Fig. 17.1).


Fig. 17.1. Entering details for correction

Completed status

Successful porting requests will be listed as completed (Fig. 18).


Fig. 18. A completed porting request

No further actions are required at this stage.

Porting Numbers

All numbers that have been submitted through a porting request will be listed here (Fig. 19).


Fig. 19. Porting numbers section

Porting number statuses

Pending - Your porting request has not been reviewed by our staff yet

Completed - Your porting has been completed

Portable -  Your number is portable and porting process will be started shortly

In Process - Your porting request has been reviewed and is currently in process

FOC date set - Your number port in date (FOC) has been set to {foc_date}

Not portable - Your number cannot be ported in

Action required - Your number needs to be resubmitted

Cancelation pending - Your request to cancel this porting is currently under review

Canceled -  Porting number has been canceled

“FOC date set” status

Once the porting date is confirmed, you will see the FOC date set status (Fig. 20).

This is the date which has been confirmed for your Porting number.


Issuing of a FOC date does not guarantee that porting will be completed successfully.


Fig. 20. “FOC date set” status

Completed status

Successfully ported number(s) will be listed as completed (Fig. 21).


Fig. 21. Successfully ported number(s)