
DIDWW SIP Trunks can be used with FreePBX for Outbound calls. The following guide will explain the steps necessary to configure the FreePBX.


This guide has been created with FreePBX Version

Getting Started

What you need to get started:

Configuring the Outbound Trunk

Step 1. Click Connectivity on the top section and select Trunks from the dropdown menu. Then click on Add Trunk and select Add SIP (chan_pjsip) Trunk (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. Trunks page.

Step 2. Enter your preferred Trunk name in Add Trunk window, under the General tab (Fig. 2).


Fig. 2. Add Trunk page.

Step 3. Navigate to pjsip Settings, General Tab, and fill out these fields (Fig. 3):

  • Username: SIP Outbound trunk username

  • Auth username: SIP Outbound trunk username

  • Secret: SIP Outbound trunk password

  • Authentication: Outbound

  • Language code: Default

  • SIP Server: out.didww.com or other DNS records

  • SIP Server Port: 5060

  • Context: from-pstn

  • Transport: (instead of FreePBX public IP can be displayed)


If Outbound Trunk have credentials removed, leave the Username, Auth Username, and Password fields blank.


Fig. 3. SIP settings page, SIP Settings [chan_pjsip] tab.

Step 4. Complete configuration by clicking the Submit button on the bottom right side.

Configuring the Outbound Route

Step 1. Navigate to the Outbound Routes, located under the Connectivity section at the top menu.

Step 2. On the Outbound Routes page, select Add Outbound Route, and fill out these fields (Fig. 1):

  • Route Name: your preferred route name

  • Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes: select the created Outbound Trunk


If you would like to use more than one Outbound Trunk as a failover option, you will be able to add another trunk once the last empty field is selected.


Fig. 1. Outbound Routes page, Route Settings tab.

Step 3. Switch to the Dial Patterns tab and fill out these fields (Fig. 2):

[match patterns]

Fig. 2. Outbound Routes page, Dial Patterns tab.


There is a option to import Dial Patterns in Import/Export Patterns tab, however, it will override previous Dial Patterns.

Step 4. Complete configuration by clicking the Submit button on the bottom right side. Click on Apply Config located on the top right side.