DIDWW Pricing

The complete pricelist for DIDWW services can be found at https://www.didww.com/coverage-and-prices/did-pricing. The charges applied to the various services are as follows:

  1. DID numbers:

Local DID numbers:

The price consists of an MRC (Monthly Recurring Charge) and NRC (Non-Recurring Charge) per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to Local DID numbers.

National DID numbers:

The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to National DID numbers.

Mobile DID numbers:

The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to Mobile DID numbers.

Toll-free numbers:

The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number, plus per-minute charges for incoming calls. The caller does not pay for outbound calls made to Toll-free numbers. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.

Shared Cost numbers:

The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number, plus per-minute charges for incoming calls. The call costs are shared between the caller and the owner of the number. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.

Metered DID numbers:

The price consists of an MRC and NRC per number, plus per-minute charges for incoming calls. The caller is charged for outbound calls made to Metered numbers. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.

  1. Capacity - Channels are billed on a monthly basis. The cost of the service consists of an NRC and MRC.

  1. Prices for call forwarding:

  • Call forwarding worldwide to VoIP (SIP) is free of charge – no per-minute rates are applicable.

  • Call forwarding to land line and mobile phones (PSTN). This service is billed on a per-minute basis.

  1. Local Number Portability Services - The cost for Local Number Portability is geographically dependant. Detailed information regarding porting pricing can be found at https://www.didww.com/services/phone-number-porting

  1. Outbound pricing - All outgoing calls are charged on a per-minute basis. Capacity is unlimited and free of charge.

For more detailed information, contact the DIDWW Sales Department via live chat or e-mail sales@didww.com